Archive for the ‘Kyosho Inferno MP9’ Category

New MP9 TKI3 Layout

The new parts are listed here:

KYOIF474B Kyosho Inferno MP9 TKI3 Side Gard


KYOIF478 Kyosho Inferno MP9 TKI3 Front Radio Box Set

KYOIF479 Kyosho Inferno MP9 TKI3 Receiver Box Set

KYOIF480 Kyosho Inferno MP9 TKI3 Aluminum Servo Plate


via New Kyosho Inferno MP9 TKI3 Radio Tray Parts Revealed!.

This is Jared Tebo’s winning setup for the Neo11. I was looking this up because I need to get a new clutch bell for my MP9, and thought I might want to see what he’s up to. I’m quite surprised at the 13/48 ratio though. It’s really high!


This is post was originally from

The Best Truggy in History Is Now Better!

Kyosho has made it official now, the Inferno ST-RR EVO details have been released! (well most of the details)

The Kyosho ST-RR EVO is an assembled and unpainted kit rolling chassis, so these pictures just represent what yours can look like once completed!

Some History First
Ok let’s examine what’s going on here! With all the time since the last ST-RR version, about 3 years ago… there has been an evolution happening with the team driver’s kits. With Cody King, Jared Tebo and others taking items from the MP9 buggy and adopting them to the truggy as well as trying some new things, Kyosho finally decided to update the truggy to this new level its being raced at in a new kit!

The ST-RR has been the trend setter all along in the truggy scene, much like the 1/8th buggy scene. The last version of the truggy, the ST-RR set new standards by using a lengthened wheelbase and wider track.than every other truggy. It has been almost unbeatable ever since. Remember also that the Inferno ST-R was the very first officially created truggy kit on the market for competition racing and it was designed byYuuichi Kanai, of coarse!

The Kyosho Inferno ST-RR EVO
Looks like Cody King’s Truggy! (Click for a bigger image)

Well then, here we are! The new EVO! (Short of coarse for EVOLUTION) and that is exactly what this truck is, an evolution. Through great care, racing and winning, just like the big car manufactures, Kyosho has again developed the ultimate competition racing Truggy on the market!

What’s New on the Inferno ST-RR EVO?
Well at first glimpse there does not seem to be all that much, but upon further inspection… a lot!

……………… for the rest of this post, do visit the original review at: